Éclaireuses et Éclaireurs de France (EEDF)
Who we are
- We are the non confessional Scouts of the French Scouting Federation composed of 6 associations.
- The EEDF association is recognised as being of public utility: our approach is complementary to the actions of the Ministry of Education and Youth.
- The EEDF association is a popular education movement that practises non-formal education.
- The EEDFs are members of several networks and collectives, including the « Collectif des Associations Partenaires de l’Ecole ».
Aware of the challenges facing all societies (climate change, migration, inequality, etc.) the « Eclaireuses Eclaireurs de France » (EEDF) are committed to solidarity projects, both in France and abroad. These projects are part of the action of a movement which brings together more than 50 million young people throughout the world: International Scouting.
The scoutism is an educative movement based on volunteerism, commitment and education through action. Its aim is to form free, responsible, supportive and committed citizens through the promotion of life in small groups, where everyone has a role to play. Scouting is present in a majority of countries: there are Scouts of all ages and of all spiritualities and faiths. In France, each religious movement has its own Scouting movement, and the EEDFs have opted for secularism.
In addition to their common values, all Scout Associations share the same educational method, the “Scout Method”, which is based on 8 pillars: – education through action – personal progression – life in nature – the team system – adult support – the symbolic framework – the Scout Promise and Law (the symbolic) – involvement in communities (pillar added in 2017)
Gathered in two world organizations, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) and the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), we make our voice heard at major international institutions such as the United Nations.
The commitments of the Eclaireuses Éclaireurs de France (5 values)
- Affirming the fundamental respect of human in his/her diversity, fighting against all forms of discrimination and intolerance, the movement is non confessional.
- Educating one another, educating girls and boys together, this is the affirmation of Co-education.
- Allowing everyone to participate in common projects, to take responsibilities and to live citizenship, is the wish to be a school of Democracy.
- To be open to the world and to others, to develop a state of mind of exchange, listening and sharing, we promote openness and solidarity.
- Learning to know and understand the world, acting to protect and respect balance and harmony, this is our commitment to the environment.
Activities within the association
We offer leisure activities for children and young people through scouting activities on weekends and during school holidays. A year-long pedagogical project, based on the EEDF’s educational project, links these different encounters. Structured by the educational intentions and the skills of the volunteer management team, this year project offers a prograe adapted to the group of children or young people : to their age, their needs and their abilities. The project takes into account the local context in which it is carried out. The activities are an opportunity to experience a daily life based on living together. The activities take place mostly in the open air : sleeping in tents, cooking for the group, learning how to control fire, building their own facilities and finding their way around, but also taking part in small and big games, acting in local life or sharing their adventures with others by integrating new technologies.
The EEDFs have an international charter based on 3 axes:
- Discovering others, discovering oneself and getting to know oneself.
- Living and making the intercultural experience come alive
- Building together through partnerships
French-English Glossary
Scoutisme/Scouting et Guidisme/Guiding : these are two terms that refer to the same reality. Originally, the “scout” is a boy and the “guide” is a girl, but they practice the same activities, according to the same method and with the same values. In French, over time, several translations of “scout” have been given: “éclaireur” is one of the possible translations, with its female equivalent “éclaireuses”.
AMGE/WAGGGS : Association Mondiale des Guides et Eclaireuses / World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. All the girls and women at EEDF are members of it.
OMMS/WOSM : Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scout, in Enflish World Organisation of the Scout Movement. All the EEDF boys and men are members of it.
Non confessional / Lay : In the sense of the EEDF, this means that the association is open to all cultures, whether they are linked to a religion or not, and that our activities take into account all human diversity while aiming to promote living together. To the contrary, the other associations forming part of the French Scouting Federation are confessional and specifically linked to a religion.